Thursday, March 29, 2012


Usually, I don´t like spend a lot of time watching TV, but when I was at home last night, I was trying to watch TV. Yes, I have said “trying”, because was impossible to do it. I thought that I would find something entertained to watch, for there are a lot of channels on TV. However, there is a lot of advertising and bad programs too. In addition, I like to watch good movies, documental, and sports on TV.

Let’s go on, in fact, I didn’t know pretty well the different channels, but there are like seven hundred, as you can imagine, I had to go one by one looking for something interesting. However, most of them were playing advertising, so I can’t see almost anything interesting. I kept trying to find one movie or documental, and more garbage programs were being playing on TV. Finally, I found one movie. I remember the title “Taken”, (another day I’ll tell to you about the translation of movies titles from English to Spanish, for it is awesome how they are changed). Ok, the movie was interesting, but more and more advertising was coming, so I almost slept. In conclusion, I decided go to the bed to sleep.

Certainly, I had thought that TV programs at US should be better than Spain, but I have realized that both TV channels have the same problem: a lot of advertising, and a lot of garbage programs. At least, I can watch at US TV two of my favorite channels: Discovery with very good documental, and NBA basketball games, in my opinion, one of the more exciting sports at the US.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, it is a lot of ads during programs. It let me almost sleep also. Usually, I don`t have enough time for having fun because of working. But I have asked 3 weeks off form my work place for having fun at weekend and for this course. I will try the movie that you said. Thanks a lot. man. Take care
