Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Baseball is the most important sport at the US, so I have been talking with people to know what they think about it, and we can find different opinions about that sport. Some people said that baseball is bored, slow, and it doesn’t have exciting plays. On the other side, some people said that baseball is more than a sport, it´s a culture with a lot of customs; for example you can enjoy one full night in the game drinking beer, eating fast food, and having fun. Well, we will have the chance to try baseball customs in April 24th at the Cubs game.

Nowadays, we have two teams in the city of Chicago, the White sox and the Cubs. The story of baseball at Chicago began in 1870. A local team: the White Stockings was assembled on the north side of the city, but over the years there was a revolt of professional players, and a lot of them went to the new team that was formed on the south side of the city: the White Sox. However in 1890, the north side of the city regrouped the team again, and it was called: Chicago Cubs.

Certainly I have no idea about baseball, and I can´t tell to you what team is better, or who of them have won more times each other, so if you are interested you will have ask American people to find out more information.

Take care.


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