Thursday, May 3, 2012

My Last Blog

Today, I´m writing my last blog for this semester. The semester has been complicated because I have worked hard to pass level 5. In my opininon, I have done a good job this semester, and I have developed my English skills enough to pass to the next level. However, I need to continue working to improve more and more. Thanks to my classmates and my professor Corona for being so nice.

See you soon.

Take care.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Super simple songs

In my writing class, I´m learning many important and interesting things to improve my English as for example: how to write essays in a correct way. Furthermore, I have discovered one new way to learn English expressions and words that you have to know.

Usually, I listen to all kind of music, but last months I have been listening super simple songs for little kids. These songs are being very interesting to improve me English. You can think that I´m crazy; however, they use a simple vocabulary easy to understand, and they use a lot of pictures and videos matching the words with the images.

If you want to try you can go to and to look for “super simple songs”, there you will find some of them songs. My favorites are: five little monkeys jumping on the bed, Bingo was his name, ten in the bed, and the incy wincy spider.

Take care.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The summer

The summer is coming and some different possibilities to choose what do are open. Students love summer because they can enjoy a lot of free time, but on the contrary to Spain in the US we can take classes during summer semester.

 Certainly, we can choose take a rest, or to continue studying. It will be interesting to continue studying because I may improve may English a little bit more. However, people say that summer semester at college is very hard and many students don´t pass their classes. I can imagine that summer semester at college will be hard after all the year studying and working hard to pass the classes, so to continue two more months trying to study the same amount of information than in a regular semester should be real hard.

On the other hand, resting is a very good option to recharge batteries and come back to college after summer. On summer we can do a lot of different things, for the weather let us to enjoy the beach, friends, sports and the city. So I think that the better option will be take a period of vacations to have fun and rest, because I think that summer is to enjoy.

Take care.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

get used to living in the.U.S

            Dear readers,
            After seeing last classmate`s paragraph, I get some same

feeling now. I am going to tell you my experience before I left from

China. I came here at April,4,2011. In other words, I have been 

here more than 1 year right now. The most happy time in my life is

my high school life. My grade was really bad when I was in middle

school. By the way, middle school is between elementary school

and high school, it costs 3 years.  So that I always feel I was a bad

boy at that time. But, in my high school, everything was changed.

My grade is No.1 in my class. I felt really full and happy at that time. The honor that belongs to me is

the biggest wealth in my life. I spent everyday with my friends, classmates, teachers, families. That is

all of my life at that moment. We studied hard together, played crazy together, traveled together.

Everything is together with all of my friends, families. To be honest, life in high school in China is

really really hard. You can not imagine it. But, all of us want just go back to that time. Just go back,

does not matter exam or test. Even just one day is enough. It is hard, because we study hard, and  

long time everyday. Dear readers, you must have your own the most happy time that in your life.

Everyone at here should miss it a lot. Maybe in your dream, maybe in your free time. Maye you cry,

maybe you smile. But, that is the time that we really want go back. Finally, I hope everyone in our

class can treat here is our home.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Way of life

Dear readers, we are almost ending the semester, so today I would like to tell you something more about me. Before to come to the US almost three months ago, I was living in Spain, I had my job, my friends, my family and all the things that I needed to live. However, I decided to come to the US trying to improve my life and change my way of life, so I’m going to tell you a single day in my past life.

 I was working as manager of a sport complex at Spain, so I was working for people entertainment. I used to work every day from 3pm to 11pm, so I arrived at home very late at night. In addition, I had my free time during the week in the morning, but some days I had to go in the mornings to work too, so. I used to spend my free time in the mornings to go shopping food, to make my house work, and practicing sports.

 When I arrived to Chicago, the change was radical, not only for the language, the way of life it is very different here too. I had to change my customs, so now I wake up very early in the morning, and spend all the morning at college. Later, when I arrived at home I do my homework, and I go shopping or to the gym. In addition, I spend the rest of the day at home having a dinner, watching TV, or surfing internet.

Certainly, my life is very different to it was in Spain, and I miss a lot of things, but I’m learning a lot of things here about English, American life, and about me too. I hope to enjoy my time here all I can, and feel the US like my home country.

 Take care.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Usually, I don´t like spend a lot of time watching TV, but when I was at home last night, I was trying to watch TV. Yes, I have said “trying”, because was impossible to do it. I thought that I would find something entertained to watch, for there are a lot of channels on TV. However, there is a lot of advertising and bad programs too. In addition, I like to watch good movies, documental, and sports on TV.

Let’s go on, in fact, I didn’t know pretty well the different channels, but there are like seven hundred, as you can imagine, I had to go one by one looking for something interesting. However, most of them were playing advertising, so I can’t see almost anything interesting. I kept trying to find one movie or documental, and more garbage programs were being playing on TV. Finally, I found one movie. I remember the title “Taken”, (another day I’ll tell to you about the translation of movies titles from English to Spanish, for it is awesome how they are changed). Ok, the movie was interesting, but more and more advertising was coming, so I almost slept. In conclusion, I decided go to the bed to sleep.

Certainly, I had thought that TV programs at US should be better than Spain, but I have realized that both TV channels have the same problem: a lot of advertising, and a lot of garbage programs. At least, I can watch at US TV two of my favorite channels: Discovery with very good documental, and NBA basketball games, in my opinion, one of the more exciting sports at the US.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

foods in beijing,

I have been to beijing three times, all about the visa for coming to the U.S. That means I have traveled

around beijing three times with my father. The first time is the only one time that I feel foods in beijing

are really nice.  when I came to beijing, I was wonder how big beijing was. It was really big, really nice,

we lived in a small hotel for three weeks, I found a lot local Chinese foods near our hotel. It included

my favour food , Chinese taco, and special bbq wings, hot-pot, etc. It is really nice foods that I had

tasted. The hot-pot is only one that I want to introduce, it is at WangFuJing street, a famous business

street in beijing. It was a restaurant here that names DongLaiShun hot-pot. It has a long history, about

500 years, the pot was very classical, the pork and beef ware very soft when I tasted it , it was like suger

thaw in your mouth. I can`t describe exactly feeling when I taste it. Besides, the soup that in the hot pot

was boil long time, it was very rare and delicious, but it was a little expensive than other restaurant.

That restaurant is the most fouous one not only about the tasting, but also about the hostory.