Thursday, January 26, 2012

True love.

      Love is a important part of our life. But have you ever think what is true love? True love is really care of someone who you just want be with forever. When he/she feels bad, you feel worse. Just want all of the bad feelings come to yourself instead of him/her. It is give that never crave return. The true love is when you together with him/her, you never think about give up. No matter what trouble you meet, you can work it out together. No matter how big the trouble is. There is no betray and leave forever, just felicity exist between yours forever. Whatever the mistake he/she do, you just forgive, and take care of him/her. This is true love that in my mind.

eaily child education

              Eaily child education is very important for a kid. First, good habits  for kids being ready to kindergarten. Normaly, there is 1 or 2 teachers take care of around 20 to 30 kids in one classroom, so, the kids need to be independence. For example, they need to be quiet, clean up what they play in the class, zip up their coat, and sharing. If a kid is not ready for those, he or she will be afaid of going to school. Second, the basic knowledge is necessary. It will help the kids pick up what they learn faster, so the kids won't think that going to school is hard. Finally, educate interest could make kids focus ability. The skills of pratice can make kids have more patient for studying in school. If you were a parent, do not just let your kids learning in school. Spend 10 to 20 minutes a day for eaily child education will help them be ready to kindergarten and enjoy going to school.
                                                                                                                                      Helen Feng

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Things to do at weekend

It's my first month at Chicago, and I think that is a nice city but very cold, then...... What can you tell me about things to do on weekend. On weekend I usually go with my friends to play soccer or others sports, and we may have a dinner all together having fun. We ended the night very late sometimes because we used to go to the disco to meet people and enjoy the night. On sunday we used to go to the cinema and take a rest to have a good monday.....

See U... Take care
