Today, I´m writing my last blog for this semester. The semester has been complicated because I have worked hard to pass level 5. In my opininon, I have done a good job this semester, and I have developed my English skills enough to pass to the next level. However, I need to continue working to improve more and more. Thanks to my classmates and my professor Corona for being so nice.
See you soon.
Take care.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Super simple songs
In my writing class, I´m learning
many important and interesting things to improve my English as for example: how
to write essays in a correct way. Furthermore, I have discovered one new way to
learn English expressions and words that you have to know.
Usually, I listen to all kind of
music, but last months I have been listening super simple songs for little
kids. These songs are being very interesting to improve me English. You can
think that I´m crazy; however, they use a simple vocabulary easy to understand,
and they use a lot of pictures and videos matching the words with the images.
If you want to try you can go to and to look for “super simple songs”, there you will find some of
them songs. My favorites are: five little monkeys jumping on the bed, Bingo was
his name, ten in the bed, and the incy wincy spider.
Take care.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The summer
The summer is coming and some
different possibilities to choose what do are open. Students love summer
because they can enjoy a lot of free time, but on the contrary to Spain in the
US we can take classes during summer semester.
Certainly, we can choose take a
rest, or to continue studying. It will be interesting to continue studying
because I may improve may English a little bit more. However, people say that
summer semester at college is very hard and many students don´t pass their
classes. I can imagine that summer semester at college will be hard after all
the year studying and working hard to pass the classes, so to continue two more
months trying to study the same amount of information than in a regular
semester should be real hard.
On the other hand, resting is a
very good option to recharge batteries and come back to college after summer.
On summer we can do a lot of different things, for the weather let us to enjoy
the beach, friends, sports and the city. So I think that the better option will
be take a period of vacations to have fun and rest, because I think that summer
is to enjoy.
Take care.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
get used to living in the.U.S

After seeing last classmate`s paragraph, I get some same
feeling now. I am going to tell you my experience before I left from
China. I came here at April,4,2011. In other words, I have been
here more than 1 year right now. The most happy time in my life is
my high school life. My grade was really bad when I was in middle
school. By the way, middle school is between elementary school
and high school, it costs 3 years. So that I always feel I was a bad
boy at that time. But, in my high school, everything was changed.
My grade is No.1 in my class. I felt really full and happy at that time. The honor that belongs to me is
the biggest wealth in my life. I spent everyday with my friends, classmates, teachers, families. That is
all of my life at that moment. We studied hard together, played crazy together, traveled together.
Everything is together with all of my friends, families. To be honest, life in high school in China is
really really hard. You can not imagine it. But, all of us want just go back to that time. Just go back,
does not matter exam or test. Even just one day is enough. It is hard, because we study hard, and
long time everyday. Dear readers, you must have your own the most happy time that in your life.
Everyone at here should miss it a lot. Maybe in your dream, maybe in your free time. Maye you cry,
maybe you smile. But, that is the time that we really want go back. Finally, I hope everyone in our
class can treat here is our home.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Way of life
Dear readers, we are almost ending the semester,
so today I would like to tell you something more about me. Before to come to
the US almost three months ago, I was living in Spain, I had my job, my
friends, my family and all the things that I needed to live. However, I decided
to come to the US trying to improve my life and change my way of life, so I’m
going to tell you a single day in my past life.
I was working as manager of a sport
complex at Spain, so I was working for people entertainment. I used to work
every day from 3pm to 11pm, so I arrived at home very late at night. In
addition, I had my free time during the week in the morning, but some days I had
to go in the mornings to work too, so. I used to spend my free time in the
mornings to go shopping food, to make my house work, and practicing sports.
When I arrived to Chicago, the
change was radical, not only for the language, the way of life it is very
different here too. I had to change my customs, so now I wake up very early in
the morning, and spend all the morning at college. Later, when I arrived at
home I do my homework, and I go shopping or to the gym. In addition, I spend
the rest of the day at home having a dinner, watching TV, or surfing internet.
Take care.
Certainly, my life is very
different to it was in Spain, and I miss a lot of things, but I’m learning a
lot of things here about English, American life, and about me too. I hope to enjoy
my time here all I can, and feel the US like my home country.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Usually, I don´t like spend a lot
of time watching TV, but when I was at home last night, I was trying to watch
TV. Yes, I have said “trying”, because was impossible to do it. I thought that
I would find something entertained to watch, for there are a lot of channels on
TV. However, there is a lot of advertising and bad programs too. In addition, I
like to watch good movies, documental, and sports on TV.
Let’s go on, in fact, I didn’t
know pretty well the different channels, but there are like seven hundred, as
you can imagine, I had to go one by one looking for something interesting.
However, most of them were playing advertising, so I can’t see almost anything
interesting. I kept trying to find one movie or documental, and more garbage
programs were being playing on TV. Finally, I found one movie. I remember the
title “Taken”, (another day I’ll tell to you about the translation of movies
titles from English to Spanish, for it is awesome how they are changed). Ok,
the movie was interesting, but more and more advertising was coming, so I
almost slept. In conclusion, I decided go to the bed to sleep.
Certainly, I had thought that TV
programs at US should be better than Spain, but I have realized that both TV
channels have the same problem: a lot of advertising, and a lot of garbage
programs. At least, I can watch at US TV two of my favorite channels: Discovery
with very good documental, and NBA basketball games, in my opinion, one of the
more exciting sports at the US.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
foods in beijing,
I have been to beijing three times, all about the visa for coming to the U.S. That means I have traveled
around beijing three times with my father. The first time is the only one time that I feel foods in beijing
are really nice. when I came to beijing, I was wonder how big beijing was. It was really big, really nice,
we lived in a small hotel for three weeks, I found a lot local Chinese foods near our hotel. It included
my favour food , Chinese taco, and special bbq wings, hot-pot, etc. It is really nice foods that I had
tasted. The hot-pot is only one that I want to introduce, it is at WangFuJing street, a famous business
street in beijing. It was a restaurant here that names DongLaiShun hot-pot. It has a long history, about
500 years, the pot was very classical, the pork and beef ware very soft when I tasted it , it was like suger
thaw in your mouth. I can`t describe exactly feeling when I taste it. Besides, the soup that in the hot pot
was boil long time, it was very rare and delicious, but it was a little expensive than other restaurant.
That restaurant is the most fouous one not only about the tasting, but also about the hostory.
around beijing three times with my father. The first time is the only one time that I feel foods in beijing
are really nice. when I came to beijing, I was wonder how big beijing was. It was really big, really nice,
we lived in a small hotel for three weeks, I found a lot local Chinese foods near our hotel. It included
my favour food , Chinese taco, and special bbq wings, hot-pot, etc. It is really nice foods that I had
tasted. The hot-pot is only one that I want to introduce, it is at WangFuJing street, a famous business
street in beijing. It was a restaurant here that names DongLaiShun hot-pot. It has a long history, about
500 years, the pot was very classical, the pork and beef ware very soft when I tasted it , it was like suger
thaw in your mouth. I can`t describe exactly feeling when I taste it. Besides, the soup that in the hot pot
was boil long time, it was very rare and delicious, but it was a little expensive than other restaurant.
That restaurant is the most fouous one not only about the tasting, but also about the hostory.
There is no doubt that friendship is very important to us. Friends, families, spouse are the most
important for all of people. You can`t live without friends when you are alone, or when you feel pride
of yourself. You must need people to share the feeling. It is doesn`t matter how many friends you have,
it matters how many really friends you do have. The really friend is the one who accompany you when
you feel upset, is the one who share with you when he/she feel happy, is the one who like to undertake
with you together whatever something happen. You should feel lucky if you have the one like that, that
guy is the person who you should treasure to. All in all, friends are the fortune that you can`t buy by
important for all of people. You can`t live without friends when you are alone, or when you feel pride
of yourself. You must need people to share the feeling. It is doesn`t matter how many friends you have,
it matters how many really friends you do have. The really friend is the one who accompany you when
you feel upset, is the one who share with you when he/she feel happy, is the one who like to undertake
with you together whatever something happen. You should feel lucky if you have the one like that, that
guy is the person who you should treasure to. All in all, friends are the fortune that you can`t buy by
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Baseball is the most important sport at the
US, so I have been talking with people to know what they think about it, and we
can find different opinions about that sport. Some people said that baseball is
bored, slow, and it doesn’t have exciting plays. On the other side, some people
said that baseball is more than a sport, it´s a culture with a lot of customs;
for example you can enjoy one full night in the game drinking beer, eating fast
food, and having fun. Well, we will have the chance to try baseball customs in April
24th at the Cubs game.
Nowadays, we have two teams in the city of
Chicago, the White sox and the Cubs. The story of baseball at Chicago began in 1870.
A local team: the White Stockings was assembled on the north side of the city,
but over the years there was a revolt of professional players, and a lot of them
went to the new team that was formed on the south side of the city: the White
Sox. However in 1890, the north side of the city regrouped the team again, and it
was called: Chicago Cubs.
Certainly I have no idea about baseball,
and I can´t tell to you what team is better, or who of them have won more times
each other, so if you are interested you will have ask American people to find
out more information.
Take care.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Home improvement
The other day I was at home, and I needed to do a home repair. The ventilation grille was broken, and I had to fix it. I like to do home improvement, but this time was very difficult. The vent was in the ceiling, and I didn´t have a ladder, so I needed to go up the kitchen furniture. Then when I disassemble the piece, a lot of dust and dirt fell down over me, and I started to sneeze.
I tried to fix it with the tools that I had at home, almost anything. The problem was that the screws had done biggest holes than the old ones, so the grille was free and could fall on somebody. The first thing I tried was put a bigger screws in, but it was impossible, the screws didn´t enter in the grille holes and it didn´t work. I tried again covering the holes with a mass for holes that I had at home, but it wasn´t enough strong to keep the screws in their place; however, it follows falling down.
Finally I needed to go the hardware store to buy more things to fix it. I bought a malleable metal piece and a different screw with nut. Then I transformed the metal piece forming an “S”, and put it in one side of the grille, so to the other side I had to put the screw with his nut and it worked.
You know, when you go in the kitchen now, it looks like the grille can fall down any time, but it works perfectly, who knows how long it will remain.
Take care.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Difference age relationships
May one person marries with other person very older? People said that love doesn`t understand about age, but I think that is really difficult to live with other person, who has a lot of years more than you. For example, if you live with your parents, you have realized that they have different customs and ideas than you, so can you imagine living with someone who thinks like your father or mother? I don´t think so, for me would be hard.
However, I have no problem to love a person with several years more than me, but not more than 10, for the physical and psychological differences will do the life tough. On the other hand to live with a person some years older than you, it gives you a different perspective of live, you may learn things about him or her.
Then, if we were the possibility to choose one age to live forever, I will choose an age between 25 or 28 years old; because, that age you are a mature person and your physical development is very good too, so you can be really independent, and you can do things by yourself. Then if you have the possibility to live forever, you can enjoy a lot of things of life. You can try different studies and job, you can know and visit a lot of places; because, we should need to have more than one live to live.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
2.Leo was "ten times her age" Would you marry someone older than you? By how much? What
possible advantages/disadvantages are there to marrying someone much older that you?
I would marry the person older than me, by 3 years old. This is my maximal limit. I am not oppose to
find a girl who older than me a little bit, it`s fine. I think the advantages of marrying the person who
older than you are take care you very well than the person who younger than you. Moreover.
he/she could forgive you when you did wrong. The disadvantages of marrying the person who older
than you are he/she can older than you, maybe the rest of life will shorter than you. Besides, he/she can
older early than you. This is the only disadvantages that I can come out.
possible advantages/disadvantages are there to marrying someone much older that you?
I would marry the person older than me, by 3 years old. This is my maximal limit. I am not oppose to
find a girl who older than me a little bit, it`s fine. I think the advantages of marrying the person who
older than you are take care you very well than the person who younger than you. Moreover.
he/she could forgive you when you did wrong. The disadvantages of marrying the person who older
than you are he/she can older than you, maybe the rest of life will shorter than you. Besides, he/she can
older early than you. This is the only disadvantages that I can come out.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Living with a baby
I have not children, but I like them a lot. However to spend time with them is exhausting. Little babies need a lot of attention and dedication. My brother has a ten months daughter and she is like an earthquake, for she is always moving around you. She loves to play, although not only with her toys; actually, Naya wants to take and to touch all, whereas she never is tired.
Did you try to sleep with a ten months baby in the same room? I did, so it was real hard. Moreover I didn´t know a tooth was coming, so the baby was having bad time. So result she woke up four times that night, and I needed to leave the room to sleep at the sofa. Otherwise things are always happening: she can be hunger, or her diaper needs to be changed by someone, who knows.
Food time it can be a success, or she can be a party pooper. Then you did her meal, with all the love that you can, maybe she doesn´t like, or it can be that she loves it. In fact the real important thing is that you always, always, will have a lot of spots on your clothes.
To finish I would like to say, while you are with her you can´t do the things that you need, because you have to be watching her all the time. In conclusion she is so curious, but at the same time so helpless, that she can be injured any time.
On the contrary you know what: spend time with my niece is one of the more wonderful things over the world.
Have a good one.
Monday, February 27, 2012
after 1990

1.go to sleep after 12.
2.can't without the phone for mins.
3.never shutdown the phone .
4.don't like talking on the phone,text all the time.
5.don't like to read.
6.likes to do the homework at last of the day.
7.can play computer game all the day,and can sleep all the day too.
8.feel sleepy at daytime, but very awake at night time. electron game overnight.
10.when people ask you,what do you like to do, sleep. to plan your target,but never try to do that.
12.never eat breakfast
13.don't like to think about the answer,like to google the answer.
14.Always forgot things
this is chinese students most about your country. how many you did,maybe some are not in the list.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Chinese food.

braise, etc. Cooking a delicous Chinese food always need long time, it has a lot of steps to prepare.
Washing vegetable is usually the first step. If you want make a soup, it almost takes 2 hours or more. It
always spend long time to make a soup. Most of Chinese believe that abundant nutrition of
vegetable need a lot time to boil. I think the reason why Chinese food cook like these ways is culture.
Becuase of the long history of the development of Chinese food, so there are a lot of steps are formed.
There are a lot of meals are contact to some stories about Chinese hostory. It was a legend said that a
Chinese poet was very poor, and his wife was very rich. But she loved him, and married to him. Then
the woman cook for her husband every night, becuase her huaband always studied until very
late. So she cooked for him use her heart, and created a new style of noodles. It is popular until today.
Chinese food not only focus on tasting, but also smelling. Chinese food is diffcult to cook, because it
has so many steps. Chinese food is easy to cook, because it must use our heart.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Sharing or not sharing, that is the question
During a lot of years I have been living at many places and different situations. I´ve been living with my family, I´ve been living with friends of mine, and I´ve been living alone. I´m going to tell you about all the different ways to living at home that I have experienced.
Living with your family is better when you are young and if you don´t have enough money. This option has positive things like living in family, eating good food, save money. However you don´t have all the independent that you would want to do your own live.
Sharing home with your friends or college mates can be an unbelievable experience. You can do all the things that you want to do, but always respecting your home mates. You don´t have any schedule, you can invite your friends, girl/boyfriend at home, and you can sleep all that you want. On the other hand, need to do all the housework: cleaning and cooking. You have to pay a sharing rent. But you are sharing all this things with your friends.
As last option you can live alone. Living alone has positive and negative things. For example you pay all the rent, you have to do all the housework. However you have all the independent to do all the things that you want, you can be untidy, sleepy, and get parties....
I have learned a lot of things, good and bad things, sharing and living alone. All it depends what do you want or what do you need in each moment of your life.
Friday, February 17, 2012
My job.
I`m a nail technician. My job is do nails, just few people in classmates know about that. I have worked
as nail technician about half a year. To be honest, I have known a lot about that. Not only nails, but also
life. When I was in China, my money form my parents. I never think about that, never concern about
that. My father was a engineer, I admired him all of my life. He always gave me money without saying \
a word. He love me so much. When I arrived at here, I noticed that I need to find a job. I need to earn
money for my parents. I realized that my responsibility for them. So I decided to find a job that suit for
me. Then, I worked at nail salon. I love it, my job. When I finished nails to client, I felt so pride about
myself. When I saw the smile on client`s face, I felt sweet. This is all about my job, I love it.
as nail technician about half a year. To be honest, I have known a lot about that. Not only nails, but also
life. When I was in China, my money form my parents. I never think about that, never concern about
that. My father was a engineer, I admired him all of my life. He always gave me money without saying \
a word. He love me so much. When I arrived at here, I noticed that I need to find a job. I need to earn
money for my parents. I realized that my responsibility for them. So I decided to find a job that suit for
me. Then, I worked at nail salon. I love it, my job. When I finished nails to client, I felt so pride about
myself. When I saw the smile on client`s face, I felt sweet. This is all about my job, I love it.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
My Dream House
I have designed to buy a house for long time. Today, I finally signed a concract of building house. I will have my dream house in around 8 mounths. In my new house, it will have 4 bedrooms in the second floor, which why I need to build a house because most house that I had seen, which just have 3 bedrooms. My 3 kids will have their own bedroom, and my husband and I will have a master bedroom that I have dreamed for long time. The first floor will have a living room and a kitchen. I try to make the kitchen bigger because I will spend a lot of times in the kitchen to cook food for my family. There will have a big balcony when you go out the house through the kitchen. that will be my favorite place in summer. I would like to sit there to join the sun shine, I would like to balcony there when I have party, or I would like to chat with my husband there. The baseman will have nothing except the construction because I want to have a big space for my kids to active. I will put all of our toys in the baseman, I will decorate it like a play ground. I have already dreaned about my house for so many times, I will try my best to make a warm home for my family.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Recycling and alternative energies
We live in a world where the natural resources are limited. During our life we can use thousands of products, and they are made with natural resources. A lot of these products can be reused, for example: paper, plastic bottles or cans, can have other different live again and again. On this way we will not need cut more trees, or waste more petroleum or aluminum that we need actually.
As important as recycling is the use of alternative energies, for example water, wind and sun power. All of them can be used like a different choice. Today we are obtaining electricity of nuclear power plants, and thermal power plants. They need to work natural resources, like uranium and coal. The point is that we need to produce enormous amounts of energy to turn on all our stuff: electronic devices, appliances, light, … So we need to waste huge amounts of natural resources.
Everybody needs to know about the main idea of recycling and alternative energies. But how many of us know how to recycling? We are devastating the planet and we and our children need a healthy planet to live. On the other hand, today is very difficult to change our energy system 100%, but we need to compatible the use of both energies: traditional and alternative.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
What is your goals?
What is your goals in your whole life? Maybe it is become rich, healthy, happy. Everyone is different
from others. Everyone mush has your own goals. If you donot have it, you cannot have positive attitude
to do things. That means you will not find the purport that you live in the world. At that time, life means
nothing to you. You must lost yourself, and feel despairing. All in all, find our goals is the most
important thing, so that we can find the real meaning of living. Then achieve it.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
wenzhou, my hometown

This is the most famous place at Wenzhou (Statue of Five Horses)it is a very old street.It’s a shopping street, have the most famous brand is here. But I think it is just a Local landscape. So welcome everyone come to wenzhou.
Wenzhou is my hometown. It is in southeastern Zhejiang province. Wenzhou is not very big, but there are about 3039500 people. A lot of Chinese knows that Wenzhou people are good at make Leather shoes, but that’s not all. There is a history about that. There was a man and he was very poor, but he helped people clean shoes for life (in china, it was a job too) and saved the money. After that, he opened his first leather shoes factory and became the richest person in Wenzhou. Wenzhou people are very good at business such as real estate, factory. And now, Wecitinzhou is one of the richest es in China.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Chinese New Year's party
I had a wonderful party on this Tuesday. it was a community Chinese New Year'sparty. All of the guests were from the same town as me in China. there were around 20 tables at that day. I and my husband were so surprise that so many people who came form the same city as us. The party had three parts. First part, the compere showed us the recent developments of Enping city where we came from on T.V. Those pictures were so familiar to us. we talked to other guests that we had been the place where showed in the video, and someone eles said that they just lived next the place when they were in China. We just liked a neighboor with the people who sat in the same table.Second part was donation. In order to improve the community, when the compere made some very funny joks to asked the guests to donation money, all of the guests were laughting so loudly.When the compere thanked for the donationer, I just realized that the most stores in China Town were owned by the people who came form my home town. The last part is Karoke. Whoever could sing, but just some old men sang. They sang some very old fashion song, it reminded me if my parents were here, they would be very happy.I was sure that my father would sing a lot and play the chinese music. It was a wonderful night for my Chinese New Year.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The meaning of the words
My friend Souleymane is answering himself in his own writing blog, why U.S. people use the word soccer instead of football? And I would like to help him. I´ve been finding out and there are several theories about the same topic.
Maybe you need first what soccer/football is, here we go. It´s a sport where 22 people are playing in a big grass rectangular field to get the ball, and they only can hit it with the feet. The objective is score a goal to the other team. This is the origin of the name foot-ball.
One of them says that the word soccer comes of the Latin word “soccus”. The meaning of this word is shoe. This shoe seems like the boots that soccer players use to play soccer today. The other theory comes from England. When the English created, designed and invented football (soccer) in 1863, they did one association to unify the rules and specifications of the game. This association was called “Association Football”. When the football arrived to the U.S., American people had the custom in the American English to add the suffix –er to all the words. And they called their own Football Association “asoccer”, and finally over the years called it soccer.
Like all theories in the world you can or can´t believe it. I don´t know which one is correct or incorrect. Maybe it can be that no one is correct. But I hope that you, my friend can have an idea about the origin of the word soccer. What do you think about these two theories? There is one more persuasive or powerful than the other one?
Maybe you, dear reader, know words of your country or your own lenguage, that American people have changed the word and they use one different but it means the same thing than yours.
Take care.
Monday, February 6, 2012
My plan

I`m going to come back China for vacation with my mother in the end of this year. One important
reason is we will have a month off at that time. So that I have enough time to enjoy in China. I have
been here about ten month, and I miss my family very much, especially my grandmother. I grew up
with her all the time, I lived in her home. She also teaches me how to become a responsible person. I
love her so much. Besides, I miss my cousins and friends either. I love them. I miss all of my family,
and friends. I can not wait for that moment, I am so excited about that. I wish I will have a wonderful
vacation at that time.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Bus or train, what do you prefer?
When I have enough time I like to go to the places walking, but if I have to go far away from where I am, then I need to take the public transport, because I have no car right now. Ok, then I need to take a decision about how I want to go to that place.
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Bus or train are the two options that I use to move around the city. Bus is maybe slower than train, but you can see the city views while you are in. However there are a lot of stops in the way until that you arrive wherever you go. You may find a traffic jump in the road too, and if it's snowing it can be a problem that the bus goes on his way for. On the other hand train use to be faster and it does less stops than bus. But if you like listen the radio and you go in underground train you can't listen your favorite program in the morning....
Usually if I have to go to close places I prefer use the bus. However if I need to go far away I like train more than bus. But you know what? both of them are very boring....
Well, what do you prefer?
Thursday, January 26, 2012
True love.
Love is a important part of our life. But have you ever think what is true love? True love is really care of someone who you just want be with forever. When he/she feels bad, you feel worse. Just want all of the bad feelings come to yourself instead of him/her. It is give that never crave return. The true love is when you together with him/her, you never think about give up. No matter what trouble you meet, you can work it out together. No matter how big the trouble is. There is no betray and leave forever, just felicity exist between yours forever. Whatever the mistake he/she do, you just forgive, and take care of him/her. This is true love that in my mind.
eaily child education
Eaily child education is very important for a kid. First, good habits for kids being ready to kindergarten. Normaly, there is 1 or 2 teachers take care of around 20 to 30 kids in one classroom, so, the kids need to be independence. For example, they need to be quiet, clean up what they play in the class, zip up their coat, and sharing. If a kid is not ready for those, he or she will be afaid of going to school. Second, the basic knowledge is necessary. It will help the kids pick up what they learn faster, so the kids won't think that going to school is hard. Finally, educate interest could make kids focus ability. The skills of pratice can make kids have more patient for studying in school. If you were a parent, do not just let your kids learning in school. Spend 10 to 20 minutes a day for eaily child education will help them be ready to kindergarten and enjoy going to school.
Helen Feng
Helen Feng
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Things to do at weekend
It's my first month at Chicago, and I think that is a nice city but very cold, then...... What can you tell me about things to do on weekend. On weekend I usually go with my friends to play soccer or others sports, and we may have a dinner all together having fun. We ended the night very late sometimes because we used to go to the disco to meet people and enjoy the night. On sunday we used to go to the cinema and take a rest to have a good monday.....
See U... Take care
See U... Take care
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